These past couple of weeks have been, to say the least and put it mildly, challenging. Actually scratch that, the last year have been challenging due to some personal issues. I could use much stronger words, but if you follow me for a while you know I avoid sharing anything too personal on here and I especially avoid sharing the worst moments in life. We all have moments of those and this is a supposedly "inspirational" blog and I only want/tend to share nice moments that I either live myself or find around and want to share. Having said that, the last two or so years have been.... let's say... not the very best all around, I've had my fair share of misfortunes, my visa got cancelled (yeap!) I don't have a job and my friends (yes it was my choice but you get the gist) and being back home feels a bit like a step backwards (or many sometimes!). I've had great moments too these past years and I'm being greatly taken care of at home, I can't complaint, all in all I'm grateful. But life has been... challenging probably because I made it more challenging for myself but being too scared to move on and onwards and having trouble finding my way back. I'm a naturally indecisive person and new challenges scare me which makes all of the above a bit more difficult but I try to keep positive (always!) and while I do look back quite a lot (too much sometimes, with lots of nostalgia unfortunately unfunded!) I'm sure something better things are awaiting me somewhere. Damn, those pinterest inspirational quotes can only do so much! Plus, one always learns from the hardest moments in life, how to be better, a better person, more caring, stronger and able to cope better with anything that might come along.
Anyway, this rant, quite longer than my shorter post that I expected, is to say that I'm in the middle of a bit of a hard time right now, and while I want to resume blogging as usual it might not be the best time to do so, so if you want, bear with me please, I will be back.
Thank you xxx