Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday - 1.28pm

Admit it. You did something dumb and you've broken your iPhone. Somehow. Some way. You've got yourself an iPhone with a cracked screen or perhaps one that's been waterlogged from a dip in the pool. It happens. It's not that fun. But after a while, we can look back and disappointed. What's your story? I've heard quite a few broken iPhone stories. Some are legitimate accidents "It just fell out of my backpack and landed squarely on its face." Some are funny and embarrassing  "I dropped my iPhone in the toilet. Don't ask." Some of us scramble to get things patched up right away, while most of us suck it up and face the mistake (literally!). Here's my story, I don't know what's happened actually. It just happen so quick and I can't even think. Angers and emotion what controls me that time. Mom scolded me for something that I didn't do, my dad scolded me for wasting my money, Irfan don't wanna delete my all photo that he had on his laptop when we still together before which I don't like it, Friends pissed me off and yeah, kowshik had a new girlfriend, Tumi amar? I don't know what to say anymore. I just saw his status. I just wish he will be happy, of course and I'm giving up on everything. My life is totally ruin now. Maybe it's time to walk away from everyone life and just be died to them. Live alone, if someone cares they'll make an effort to find you. But if they don't, well you have to deal with it. Am I right? Phone is crashing there's no way I can find that much money to buy the new one. Plus, I don't think phone is important to me anymore. Who want to find me anyway? No one. Even with the person you secretly want to talk, don't want to talk to you? Who cares about your friends? I'm sure they have more better to do with their life. Your admire? I think this is the best for them. Keeping my distance from them. So day by day they'll forget me. It just torturing me seeing them can't have what they want because I know exactly how it feels like. Guess it's all end now. 


Oh!Sheet said...

Pity u, wish you a more peaceful weekend. :D

Maymay Johning Sylvester Kantim said...

Lol thanks :)